Jiu Jitsu Conditioning: Developing Your Strength, Power, and Endurance

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Jiu Jitsu is a combat art that requires high levels of physical preparedness. No matter your level of skill or experience, conditioning for Jiu Jitsu should be part of your workout regimen. A proper fitness program will increase strength, speed, and stamina so you can perform at your best while avoiding accidents.

Jiu Jitsu conditioning involves a variety of exercises and methods designed to maximize performance. It’s essential to remember that Jiu Jitsu conditioning involves more than just increasing cardiovascular endurance and muscle mass; it also involves mastering the specific skill sets and motions essential for Jiu Jitsu practice.

In this article, we’ll explore the many facets of Jiu Jitsu conditioning and provide tips and techniques to increase your strength, power, and endurance. Whether you are just starting out or an experienced practitioner, this guide can help you create a comprehensive conditioning program to take your Jiu Jitsu skills to new heights.

The Importance of Conditioning in Jiu Jitsu Training

Conditioning is critical in Jiu Jitsu training, as it improves performance and helps to prevent injuries. A proper conditioning program will give you the strength, power, and endurance required to execute complex movements and techniques – core elements of Jiu Jitsu practice.

Jiu Jitsu conditioning can be highly beneficial as it builds the muscular strength necessary to execute powerful takedowns, ground techniques, and submissions against an opponent. To do this effectively, practitioners must possess impressive physical prowess.

In addition, Jiu Jitsu conditioning stresses not only strength but also power and endurance. Power refers to the capacity for rapid force generation, while endurance refers to maintaining physical output over an extended period. Both traits are necessary for success in Jiu Jitsu matches, which can last several minutes and require sustained effort from competitors.

Jiu Jitsu training can be made safer with proper fitness. Although Jiu Jitsu is a physically demanding sport that puts significant strain on joints, muscles, and tendons, you can reduce your vulnerability to injury by engaging in an intense conditioning program.

Research has demonstrated that injuries in Jiu Jitsu can be significantly reduced when fitness routines are included as part of one’s training regimen. Conditioning exercises help you avoid common Jiu Jitsu injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures by building strength, power, and stamina.

Understanding the Different Energy Systems Used in Jiu Jitsu

In order to reach your full potential in Jiu Jitsu, it is essential that you possess a comprehensive understanding of its various energy systems and how to best practice them. Let’s examine three primary methods used in Jiu Jitsu competitions.

Creatine Phosphate System

The creatine phosphate system serves as the initial energy source, providing power for short bursts of intense activity. This quick source can fuel explosive movements like takedowns and submissions by drawing on stored creatine phosphate in muscles; however, this quick source only lasts a few seconds before becoming exhausted.

Glycolytic System

The glycolytic system provides energy for activities requiring sustained effort. This relies on stored glycogen in muscles and the liver, which provides energy for up to several minutes of activity. In Jiu Jitsu matches, this glycolytic system is heavily utilized as it fuels grappling and ground techniques with heavy impacts.

Aerobic System

The aerobic system is the final energy source, providing energy for extended activities requiring endurance. This relies on oxygen intake to create energy and can sustain activity for extended periods of time. Aerobic conditioning is especially essential for Jiu Jitsu practitioners since matches typically last several minutes and require sustained effort.

Developing Your Aerobic Capacity for Jiu Jitsu

Aerobic capacity is an integral element of Jiu Jitsu conditioning, as it helps you sustain extended activity during matches. There are various ways to develop this capacity, such as low-intensity cardio exercises and tempo intervals.

1. Low-Intensity Cardio Exercises for Endurance

Low-intensity cardio exercises are an excellent way to build endurance for Jiu Jitsu matches. You can do these exercises either with or without a training partner, depending on your preference. When training together, activities like shadow grappling, light sparring, and drilling techniques can be done at a slow and steady pace; without a partner, you could jog, swim, or cycle at moderate intensities for extended periods.

2. Tempo Intervals for Extensive and Intensive Endurance

Tempo intervals are an effective way to develop your aerobic capacity in Jiu Jitsu. They involve alternating between low-intensity activity and high-intensity activity. For extensive endurance, perform longer intervals with shorter rest periods; conversely, for intensive endurance, perform shorter intervals with longer rest periods. Tempo intervals can be performed through exercises like running, rowing, or cycling.

Developing Your Lactic and Alactic Capacity for Jiu Jitsu

Improving your lactic and alactic capacities is essential to performing at your best during matches. Lactic capacity refers to the capacity to tolerate intense exercise for extended periods, while alactic capacity involves producing intense, short-duration efforts.

Partner Drills for Lactic Capacity

Partner drills for lactic capacity involve working together with a partner to simulate the intensity and resistance experienced during matches. These drills focus on high-intensity exercises performed for short durations with limited rest periods in between, such as “suicide” drills where one partner runs back and forth across the mat while their partner does burpees, sprawls, or sit-outs.

Plyometric Exercises for Alactic Capacity

Plyometric exercises are explosive movements designed to build strength, speed, and power. Due to their high-intensity short duration efforts, they’re great at increasing someone’s alactic capacity. Examples of plyometric exercises you can incorporate into your Jiu Jitsu training include box jumps, jumping lunges, and medicine ball slams.

Exercises for Jiu Jitsu Conditioning

Becoming an effective Jiu Jitsu practitioner necessitates more than simply perfecting techniques. Conditioning should be integrated into every aspect of training to maximize results. In this section, we’ll cover the best exercises for Jiu Jitsu conditioning – from compound movements for full body strength to endurance drills.

1. Compound Movements for Full Body Strength

Compound movements are exercises that activate multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making them perfect for building full body strength – an invaluable trait in Jiu Jitsu. Here are some of the best compound exercises you should incorporate into your training regimen:


Deadlifts are an excellent exercise to build lower body strength, particularly in the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Furthermore, this exercise works your grip – which is essential in grappling – by working it thoroughly.


Squats are an essential exercise for building lower body strength. Squats target the quads, hamstrings, and glutes – essential muscles when performing takedowns and maintaining a firm base while lying on the ground.


Pull-ups are an excellent exercise to build upper body strength, especially in the back and biceps. Furthermore, this movement develops grip strength – which is essential in Jiu Jitsu techniques.


Push-ups are a classic exercise that strengthens the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Plus, it helps develop core strength – which is essential for maintaining proper posture when grappling.

2. Jiu Jitsu-Specific Drills for Power and Agility

Next up are Jiu Jitsu-specific drills designed to develop explosive power and quick footwork – two essential skills in Jiu Jitsu. These exercises will help you hone these essential abilities.

Technical Stand-Up

The technical stand-up is an essential Jiu Jitsu movement that involves transitioning from lying to standing. This drill helps build power in your hips and legs.


Sprawls are an effective technique for avoiding takedowns on defense. All it takes is bending your knees and dropping your hips – this simple movement encourages powerful quadriceps strength by encouraging an explosive movement pattern.

Double Legs

The double leg is a common takedown in Jiu Jitsu. Drive through your opponent and aim for the takedown with this exercise. Double legs build powerful muscles in the quadriceps and hips.

Sit Sweeps

The sit sweep is an essential Jiu Jitsu technique for moving a seated opponent. By performing this action, you’ll be knocking them down by throwing their balance off with your legs. Anyone looking to hone their Jiu Jitsu skills should incorporate sit sweeps into their training regimen.

Sit Throughs

Exercises like sit-throughs help you move from the lowest position to the highest position. To build momentum during this motion, rotate your torso and push off with your knees. Sit-throughs involve rolling your body backward from each posture; this can enhance explosiveness and agility development.

Shadow Wrestling

Practice your takedowns and grapples without anyone in sight by engaging in some shadow wrestling. This is an excellent exercise to develop footwork, balance, and skill without needing any equipment.

Medicine Ball Throws

Medicine ball throws have been found to be a highly effective exercise for developing explosive power in the upper body. This involves forcefully throwing a medicine ball, which targets and strengthens the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and arms.

3. Mobility and Flexibility Exercises for Injury Prevention

Finally, let us look at mobility and flexibility exercises that can keep you out of the hospital. Jiu Jitsu can be strenuous on your body, so it’s essential to take care of your joints and muscles in order to reduce the risk of injuries. Here are some great mobility and flexibility exercises specifically tailored for Jiu Jitsu:

Hip Mobility Exercises: Hip circles, hip openers, and dynamic lunges.

Shoulder Mobility Exercises: Shoulder dislocations, band pull-aparts, and scapular push-ups.

Spinal Mobility Exercises: Cat-cow stretches, spinal twists, and the cobra pose.

Hamstring Stretches: Forward folds, seated forward bends, and hamstring curls.

Hip Flexor Stretches: Lunges, pigeon pose, and the butterfly stretch.

Creating a Weekly Training Plan for Jiu Jitsu Conditioning

When formulating your weekly plan for Jiu Jitsu conditioning, it is essential to balance strength training with conditioning exercises. Furthermore, make sure your body gets enough rest after each intense bout so it can repair itself.

Strength Training and Conditioning Workouts Alternating

When practicing Jiu Jitsu, it is essential to switch between high-intensity conditioning sessions and strength-building exercises in order to build both strength and endurance.

In addition to balancing your workouts, it is also essential to incorporate rest and recovery into your training plan. Rest days give the body time to recover from strenuous activity, decreasing injury risks and preventing burnout.

One way to balance your workouts is to prioritize different areas on different days. Strength training exercises like deadlifts and squats could be done Monday and Wednesday, while high-intensity conditioning drills such as partner drills or plyometrics take place Tuesday and Thursday.

The Importance of Rest and Recovery

To ensure adequate rest and recovery, take one or two days off each week. This will give your body time to repair itself, which in turn allows you to perform better on the mat.

Start Training With 10th Planet Poway Jiu Jitsu

Are you just starting your Jiu Jitsu journey or looking to advance your skills further? Look no further than 10th Planet Poway, an elite training facility run by experienced instructors. Here, you’ll gain the techniques and confidence necessary to compete at your best while training alongside a supportive community of passionate practitioners in various class options such as beginner-friendly fundamentals, advanced techniques, or private lessons. Come experience all that Jiu Jitsu has to offer and see why 10th Planet Poway is perfect for you!


Jiu Jitsu is an intensely physical sport. To enhance performance and prevent injuries, practitioners should incorporate various exercises/training methods like low-intensity cardio, compound movements, Jiu Jitsu-specific drills, as well as rest/recovery periods into their schedules. No matter if you are just starting out or an experienced athlete – take the necessary steps for better conditioning in Jiu Jitsu to reach your full potential.

Contact the gym today to schedule a trial class for you or your child!

10th Planet Poway Jiu Jitsu

14009 Midland Rd. Poway, CA 92064

(858) 848-6444
