Jiu Jitsu for Older Adults: Benefits, Recovery Tips and More

jiu jitsu for older adults

Aging gracefully doesn’t mean slowing down. In fact, staying active as we get older becomes increasingly important for both our physical and mental well-being. If you’re an older adult looking for a dynamic way to keep fit, maintain flexibility, and engage your mind all at once, then Jiu Jitsu might just be the perfect fit!

In this post, we’ll explore the world of Jiu Jitsu for older adults and delve into its many benefits, along with some recovery tips that will help you thrive on the mats. Whether you’ve been curious about starting martial arts or have experience in other disciplines – stay tuned! Our goal is to inform older adults like yourself about why practicing Jiu Jitsu can bring incredible rewards physically and mentally.

Now, let’s discover how stepping onto the mats can redefine what it means to age with wellness and delight!

Can Older People Start Jiu Jitsu?

Definitely! Age is just a number when it comes to enjoying and starting Jiu Jitsu. Older practitioners have achieved great success in their martial arts journeys. In fact, many senior practitioners have built thriving communities that inspire one another every day.

In California, for instance, we have seen people as old as 50 step onto our mats at 10th Planet Poway. They come with enthusiasm and reap the rewards physically and mentally. Don’t hesitate to get started or continue your martial arts journey as an older adult if you’re curious!

Remember that everyone’s fitness levels may vary initially, but consistency coupled with proper training techniques will help you progress steadily over time.

Benefits of Jiu Jitsu for Older Adults

Jiu Jitsu isn’t just for the young and agile. It’s a martial art that brings incredible benefits to older adults looking to stay active, improve fitness levels, boost their mental agility, and cultivate a sense of community. Let’s explore why stepping onto the mats can be life-changing!

  • Exercise and Fitness

Jiu Jitsu is a dynamic martial art and an incredible workout for older adults. Jiu Jitsu works different muscle groups throughout the body, enhancing mobility, flexibility, balance, and overall stability through various techniques, drills, and live training sessions. It improves cardio endurance and enhances flexibility, balance, and overall stability.

By engaging in regular practice sessions, you’ll find yourself gaining strength and shedding those extra pounds along the way. According to a study published in The Open Sports Sciences Journal, just one hour of moderate-intensity JJ training can burn up to 600 calories!

  • Health Benefits

Practicing Jiu Jitsu regularly can have a significant impact on your overall health. It helps improve immunity, reducing the chances of contracting diseases such as heart problems, obesity, diabetes, and strokes.

By engaging in this martial art, older adults can strengthen their cardiovascular system and lower their risk factors for various health issues.

  • Mental Stability

Jiu Jitsu offers more than just physical benefits for older adults. It also plays a significant role in enhancing mental stability. Through the practice of Jiu Jitsu, individuals develop increased focus, concentration, and problem-solving skills.

The flow-like nature of rolling onto the mats requires you to be present at the moment and make quick decisions based on your opponent’s movements. This mindful engagement helps reduce stress levels and promotes mental clarity.

In fact, a study conducted by researchers at UCLA found that martial arts training can lead to decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression while improving overall mood.

  • Relief from Stress

You may experience mental stress as you age as a result of familial and health concerns. Jiu Jitsu can be a great way to relieve this stress. Practicing on the mats allows you to focus solely on your opponents and strategize how to defeat them.

This shift in focus allows you to temporarily set aside any worries or stresses you may be carrying in other areas of life. The training sessions create a sense of mindfulness and escape from everyday concerns, providing much-needed relief.

  • Accepting Failures

In the world of Jiu Jitsu, accepting failures is a fundamental aspect of personal growth. Older adults who embark on this journey often find themselves challenged to let go of their ego and embrace learning from mistakes. Through this process, you’ll learn valuable lessons in humility and perseverance.

Jiu Jitsu is unique in its ability to humble the most experienced practitioners. It teaches us that failure is simply an opportunity for improvement. When you step onto the mats as an older adult, you shouldn’t hesitate to make errors or face setbacks. Each stumble only strengthens you on and off the mat, so don’t be afraid to try again.

  • Self-Defense

One of the great advantages of Jiu Jitsu for older adults is learning effective self-defense techniques. With proper training, even against stronger opponents, you can possess the skills to protect yourself.

Jiu Jitsu focuses on leverage and technique rather than relying solely on strength or size. This means that age becomes irrelevant when it comes to defending oneself effectively.

Regardless of your age, knowing how to apply Jiu Jitsu in real-world situations empowers you with confidence and peace of mind.

  • Community

There is a special bond formed between practitioners when they step onto the mats of a Jiu Jitsu academy. These individuals have the same passion and goals, and you will find yourself surrounded by individuals with similar interests.

Whether it’s through collaborative drills or friendly sparring sessions, practicing Jiu Jitsu fosters camaraderie and creates lasting friendships. It’s an opportunity to connect with people from various backgrounds and walks of life, united by their love for the sport.

Plus, being part of such a supportive community can boost confidence levels both on and off the mats. For older adults, it’s not just about gaining physical skills through practicing Jiu Jitsu. It allows them to embrace new relationships that enrich their lives at this later stage.

  • Knowledge and Learning

When you embark on your Jiu Jitsu journey, you’re not just learning self-defense techniques but also immersing yourself in a vast world of knowledge. The art of Jiu Jitsu offers endless opportunities for growth and improvement.

When you are an older adult practicing Jiu Jitsu, each session becomes an opportunity to learn something new. It could be refining your technique or learning how to use leverage effectively. You will gain a great deal of knowledge with time and dedication. Imagine being able to defend yourself using leverage instead of brute force more effectively!

jiu jitsu training for longevity

Senior Age Divisions In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) competitions, there are age divisions specifically designed for senior practitioners. When you turn 30 years old, you enter the Master’s division in the IBJJF competition. From here, there are further divisions based on specific age brackets. Here they are:

  • Masters 1: Ages 30-35
  • Masters 2: Ages 36–40
  • Masters 3: Ages 41-45
  • Masters 4: Ages 46–50
  • Masters 5: Ages 51-55
  • Masters 6: Ages 56-60
  • Masters 7: Aged 60 and above

These age groups apply to tournaments organized by the North American Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (and other similar events). It means that even if you start practicing BJJ at an older age and wish to compete, rest assured that you won’t be pitted against a younger black belt.

Recovery and Health Maintenance Tips for Older Adults Learning Jiu Jitsu

Taking care of your body is crucial when practicing Jiu Jitsu, especially as an older adult. Here are some key tips on how to speed up recovery, maintain optimal health, and keep enjoying the mats!

  • Warm-Ups

The importance of warming up before practice cannot be overstated, especially for older adults. As we age, our tissues tend to become weaker and require more care. It’s important to take the time to properly warm up before diving into intense training sessions. Using dynamic stretches and light cardio exercises during your pre-workout routine will help you avoid injuries and reduce soreness after working out.

Think of warm-ups as a way of priming your body for action. They increase blood flow and loosen muscles and joints while preparing them for the physical demands ahead. Spending just a few minutes on these warming-up exercises can make all the difference in keeping yourself injury-free during your Jiu Jitsu training.

  • Hydration and Electrolytes

A healthy balance of hydration is essential to the optimal performance and recovery of Jiu Jitsu in an intense physical environment. As you age, it becomes even more important to pay attention to your hydration levels. Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration and maintain a healthy balance throughout the day.

Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, improve digestion, and reduce muscle cramps. These are all vital elements in supporting your martial arts journey. Don’t forget about electrolytes either! Refill lost minerals through sports drinks. You may also consider natural sources like coconut water or electrolyte-enhanced supplements.

  • Sleep Well

Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for older adults practicing Jiu Jitsu. During sleep, our bodies release hormones that aid in muscle repair and healing from injuries. It also plays a vital role in controlling appetite, managing body fat, and stabilizing mood swings.

When you prioritize proper rest after intense training sessions or competitions, your body gets the chance to recover and rejuvenate itself. This can enhance your performance while helping you feel fully rested and ready to take on new challenges.

  • Healthy Diet

Fueling your body with the right nutrients is crucial for optimum performance and recovery in Jiu Jitsu. Maintaining a healthy diet becomes even more essential as you age.

Aim to consume a well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Incorporating foods like chicken breast, quinoa, vegetables, and avocados can provide you with the necessary macronutrients to support muscle repair and replenish energy levels.

In terms of protein intake to recover efficiently after training sessions or competitions, aim for 0.6-1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight. This will aid in muscle growth and repair while helping you stay strong during the Jiu Jitsu training.

  • Heat Therapy

The use of heat therapy in Jiu Jitsu can be very beneficial for older adults. Whether it be in steam rooms or on heating pads, this form of therapy promotes muscle relaxation and aids in the recovery of injuries and soreness.

By incorporating heat therapy into your routine just twice a week, you can potentially speed up your recovery by as much as 25%. So don’t underestimate the power of some well-deserved heat to keep yourself feeling fresh on the mats!

  • Ice Packs

After intense Jiu Jitsu training, ice packs can be your best friend in relieving pain and inflammation. Applying cold temperatures with ice packs on sore or injured spots for about 15 minutes can work wonders in reducing swelling and promoting faster recovery.

The beauty of using ice packs is that they constrict blood vessels, which helps flush out metabolic waste and reduce inflammation. This simple yet effective technique can provide you with much-needed relief from the rigors of Jiu Jitsu training.

Remember to always wrap the ice pack in a thin towel or cloth before applying it directly onto your skin to prevent any discomfort or frostbite!

jiu jitsu athletes train

How Many Days a Week Should Older Jiu Jitsu Athletes Train?

When it comes to training frequency, as an older Jiu Jitsu athlete, dedicating a minimum of three hours per week is recommended. This ensures you’re getting enough exercise to reap the benefits of this dynamic martial art. However, if you find that your recovery time is efficient and you’re able to handle longer sessions, feel free to increase their duration gradually.

Just remember these key tips while engaging in Jiu Jitsu workouts:

  • Take things slow and allow yourself ample rest periods.
  • Avoid overtraining or pushing yourself until exhaustion – listen to your body!
  • Monitor your progress closely – celebrate improvement instead of comparing yourself with others.

Jiu Jitsu Training Tips For Older Adults

Training Jiu Jitsu as an older adult is a journey filled with excitement and growth. But it’s important to approach your training in a way that suits your age and unique needs. In this section, we’ll share some valuable tips that will help you navigate the world of Jiu Jitsu with confidence, ensuring longevity and continuous progress.

  • Choose Techniques Carefully

Jiu Jitsu is a versatile martial art that requires you to prioritize techniques that suit your body and limitations. It is important to choose techniques that will suit your needs as an older adult. Because speed and flexibility decrease with age, opt for techniques that are easy to execute and minimize the risk of injury instead of complex moves that require excessive mobility.

For example, simpler submissions like the armbar or triangle choke can still offer tremendous effectiveness without putting unnecessary strain on your joints.

  • Never Compare Yourself to Younger Jiu Jitsu Athletes

It’s natural to be inspired by the athleticism and agility of younger Jiu Jitsu athletes. But as an older adult, it’s important not to compare yourself with them in terms of physical strength or speed. Age brings changes in our bodies, and comparing ourselves unfairly can lead to frustration.

Instead, shift your focus towards embracing what you are currently capable of achieving. Celebrate each small victory – whether it’s mastering a technique or improving your flexibility. Remember that your journey is unique and should be appreciated for its own merits.

  • A Compatible Training Partner

The right training partner makes a huge difference to your growth. Look for someone who can match your pace and understand the unique needs that come with age. A compatible partner will be patient, allowing you to progress at a comfortable rate without pushing too hard or causing injuries.

In this journey of growth and healing through Jiu Jitsu, having a supportive companion by your side can make all the difference in creating a positive training experience. Together, you can learn and improve while maintaining safety throughout your sessions.

  • Focus on Defense

As an older adult practicing Jiu Jitsu, defense is important. Learning proper self-defense techniques will increase your longevity in the sport as well as prepare you for challenging situations that may arise. Maintaining a safe training experience and reducing injury risk can be achieved by prioritizing defensive strategies.

Master movements, such as shrimping and framing, and also maintain good posture during rolls. These techniques will enhance your ability to defend against opponents without unnecessary strain or vulnerability.

  • You Have Different Practice Goals than Young Adults

You always have to remember that your Jiu Jitsu training goals might differ from those of younger practitioners. In most cases, young athletes focus on intense competition and rigorous training regimens. It is, however, important to learn defensive techniques, improve your fitness, and protect yourself as you age.

Comparing yourself to the speed and strength of younger individuals can lead to unnecessary frustration. Embrace a slower pace of progress while perfecting foundational skills such as escapes, sweeps, and controlling positions.


So, to say in the end, it is possible for older adults to benefit from Jiu Jitsu in a number of ways. If you practice Jiu Jitsu, you can enhance your mental and physical well-being, foster community connections, and even learn valuable self-defense skills. It is never too late to begin or continue your Jiu Jitsu journey!

At 10th Planet Poway in California, we offer a welcoming environment where older adults can flourish alongside practitioners of all ages. Our experienced instructors prioritize safe training practices and tailor techniques to suit individual needs.

Be brave, embrace the challenge, learn new techniques, overcome obstacles, and strengthen both your body and your mind. Personal growth knows no age limits!

Come join us at 10th Planet Poway as we embark together on an extraordinary journey through this beautiful martial art form. Empower yourself physically, mentally, and socially—to live your best life at any age!