The Ultimate Guide to Jiu Jitsu Diet – Eat Like a Champion

Jiu Jitsu Diet

You might have come across JiuJitsu if you’re passionate about physical activities. This martial art has gained worldwide popularity due to its effective grappling techniques. Originally from Japan, it has become a sought-after activity globally that requires excellent resilience, agility, and stamina despite its demanding nature. To perform at the highest level possible in this sport, one needs to maintain a proper JiuJitsu diet.

The Jiu Jitsu diet plan goes beyond weight management. Its dietary plan is full of nutritious food, and it increases performance and provides support for post-workout recovery, preventing injury.

The athletes or Jiu Jitsu practitioners need to focus on a balanced diet comprising protein from meats like chicken and fish and fruits and vegetables while avoiding high fructose corn syrup for success on the mat!

Our ultimate guide takes in-depth knowledge about nutrition concepts to provide food recommendations necessary for achieving your goals as a beginner or seasoned practitioner. With our comprehensive guide’s help, eat like a champion and step up your game!

Let’s understand what makes up an ideal diet plan best suited for JiuJitsu athletes!


The Ultimate Guide to Jiu Jitsu Diet

What Does a Balanced Jiu Jitsu Diet Look Like?

To excel in Jiu Jitsu, a balanced diet is key. Your food intake should be nutrient-packed. Discover the types of foods that will help you maintain optimal health during JiuJitsu training sessions or competitions!

1. Macronutrients for Jiu Jitsu Athletes

As a JiuJitsu athlete, you should focus on consuming three essential macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Hydration is also crucial for performance and recovery, besides these macronutrients.

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body. Therefore, most of your diet should be composed of complex carbs containing starch in whole grains. These could be fruits and vegetables that give long-lasting energy, which is essential for endurance. You must avoid simple carbs like sweets or processed meals since they can lead to blood sugar spikes, causing an instant loss of stored energy.

Proteins are necessary components for muscle development, healing, and maintenance. Jiu Jitsu athletes require protein daily at around 1 gram per pound of body weight from lean meats or fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, and legumes.

Fats aid vital activities such as hormone production, nutrient absorption, and generating energy. Hence, consume healthy fatty acids reasonably through nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish, fulfilling physical requirements adequately.

Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily (or even more if undergoing intense workouts) hydrates, provides joint protection, keeps muscles nourished, and assists in temperature regulation.

Jiu Jitsu practitioners should follow a diet of 50-60% carbs, 20-30% proteins, and 30–40% fats to achieve optimal performance. It will give their body the proper nutrients to perform at its best and recover effectively.

2. Micronutrients for Jiu Jitsu Athletes

It is easy to forget the importance of micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants since macronutrients take center stage. However, they’re just as crucial regarding immunity, healing, and energy production!

The good news is that you can get plenty of these vital nutrients from everyday foods. These could be sweet fruits, vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower), nuts (walnut), seeds, and acidic fruits or bananas for recovery. They ensure alkaline digestion throughout your training or competition when chewed properly during break intervals.

For optimal performance, include many colorful foods in your daily nutrition plan. They will supply vitamins and boost antioxidant levels, reducing inflammation and thus aiding faster wound repairs. Some great examples include berries (all sorts!), apples, avocados, dark chocolate, green tea, etc.

How to Plan a Jiu Jitsu Diet for Training and Competition

Jiu Jitsu athletes need ultimate nutrition to perform at their best during training and competition. A well-balanced diet involves planning when and what you eat for meals/snacks to ensure enough energy, water, and nutrients.

  • Pre-Training/Competition Meals and Snacks

A good pre-training meal would be high in carbs and moderate in protein and fats, like a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread or oatmeal with some fruit and nuts. For an extra energy boost closer to the session, snacks like fruits, protein bars, or trail mix can do wonders! Just remember not to overeat close to the training time, as it may take longer for digestion!

  • During Training/Competition Nutrition Strategies

It’s crucial to stay hydrated while training or competing. Keep yourself refreshed by drinking water and electrolyte-rich beverages. Need something to pump up your energy level? Have small yet easy-to-digest snacks like fruits, sports drinks, or energy gels – excellent quick fuel sources!

  • Post-Training/Competition Recovery Foods and Beverages

When training or competition is over, it’s essential to refuel your body. A meal or snack with carbs and protein helps you recover faster and replenish glycogen stores. Some options are a protein shake with fruits, a turkey wrap loaded with veggies, and Greek yogurt topped off with berries and granola goodies – all are great post-training/competition recovery foods!

How to Follow a Vegetarian or Vegan Jiu Jitsu Diet

Don’t fret if you’re a vegetarian or vegan practicing JiuJitsu! A well-planned diet can still help you achieve maximum performance and recovery. Just make sure to get enough protein, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients.

Protein requirements can be easily fulfilled by including beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and seeds in your plant-based diet. While leafy greens, fortified plant-based milk, or even calcium-set tofu are excellent sources of dietary calcium, foods such as beans (black/kidney/soy), whole grains (oats/brown rice/quinoa), and iron-fortified breakfast cereals go a long way toward meeting the daily requirement for iron.

Vitamins B12 and D – mainly found in animal-based diets – may require supplements if they are present sufficiently on their vegan or vegetarian Jiu Jitsu menu. Remember to talk to a qualified nutritionist or dietitian so they can check whether all nutritional needs meet up properly alongside the JiuJitsu training regime!

What is the Gracie Diet and How Does It Work?

Guide to Jiu Jitsu Diet

The Gracie family, known for contributing to Jiu Jitsu, created the Gracie Diet. This dietary approach combines foods that promote digestion and overall health while avoiding certain combinations.

This diet focuses on eating natural, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while limiting sugar intake. It’s important to eat smaller meals throughout the day and listen to your body’s hunger signals. This way, you can avoid overeating and satisfy yourself with enough food. Caffeine and alcohol consumption should also be limited for optimal results on the mat.

There has been limited scientific research about this food plan, yet many athletes who practice Jiu Jitsu have reported improved energy levels along with better digestion. They are certain that it leads to an enhanced overall health condition!

But before following a specific nutrition plan like the “Gracie Diet,” it’s wise to consider speaking with a registered dietician. Everyone may not experience positive results or benefits by adopting this meal planning style.

The Benefits of the Gracie Diet for Jiu Jitsu Athletes

The Gracie Diet is perfect for most Jiu Jitsu athletes, offering numerous benefits. 

  • One of the main advantages involves maintaining a healthy weight, which helps to enhance energy levels and improve digestion. 
  • The diet provides all essential nutrients required for optimal muscle recovery after sessions of rigorous training. This enables athletes to go longer and harder in their training without needing too much time off due to soreness or injuries. 
  • It’s easy to follow while emphasizing natural whole-food choices. This is an ideal choice for athletes looking to optimize their overall health and performance, on and off the mat, with minimal disruption!

Can the Gracie Diet Help with Quick Weight Loss?

The Gracie Diet may not have been created for weight loss, but it can certainly help with weight management. Its focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods reduces calorie intake and improves health by eliminating processed and refined foods while emphasizing plant-based options.

However, it’s essential to know that the Gracie Diet isn’t a quick-fix solution for losing weight. Its principles should be adapted to a sustainable lifestyle change rather than just short-term dieting. Moreover, individual results from incorporating this diet will depend on their body type and level of physical activity.

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Jiu Jitsu Diets

Jiu Jitsu diets have been subjected to several common myths and misconceptions in the fitness industry. Let’s debunk some of these:

Myth #1: Only protein helps build muscle for Jiu Jitsu athletes.

Debunked: Protein is indeed vital for muscle growth, but a balanced diet including carbohydrates, healthy fats, and micronutrients is equally crucial for overall health and performance.

Myth #2: Cut out all carbs to lose weight.

Debunked: Carbs are essential energy sources during training or competition. Restricting carb intake can lead to low energy levels and poor performance on the mat.

Myth #3: Veganism/vegetarianism isn’t enough of a protein source.

Debunked: Legumes, tofu, tempeh, and seitan-like plant-based food items provide sufficient proteins (besides meat) for Jiu Jitsu athletes.

Myth#4: Only the Gracie Diet is the best diet for athletes.

Debunked: While the Gracie Diet has its benefits, which should be considered while creating JiuJitsu-specific meal plans. It’s not necessary that every Jiu Jitsu or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) athlete follow exactly the same nutrition plan. The dietary approach varies from person to person as per the body’s requirements.


A balanced diet is essential to achieving peak performance and improving overall health to become an excellent JiuJitsu athlete. A better understanding of macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats can significantly benefit the body.

Effective meal planning strategies help you train hard in class or at the competition while maintaining optimal energy levels without feeling drained out. Some common myths about nutrition can mislead you, so make informed decisions when it comes to your diet plan.

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10th Planet Poway Jiu Jitsu

14009 Midland Rd. Poway, CA 92064

(858) 848-6444